From The Desk of the Principal

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future!”   -Franklin Roosevelt

Welcome to our school website!

Our school has consistently emphasized a balanced approach to education, fostering both academic excellence and co-curricular prowess. We have remained steadfast in our mission to provide a holistic education to equip our students not just with knowledge, but with the skills necessary to succeed in life.

Our commitment to core values of courtesy, concern for environment, humanity, honesty, love, moral uprightness, punctuality, patriotic fervour, righteousness, respect and sportspersonship serves as the foundation of our educational philosophy and guides everything we do. These principles are woven into the fabric of our daily interactions and instructional practices, shaping our students into individuals of strong character and moral fortitude.

Our learning spaces are enabled with technology and necessary resources to support diverse learning styles and innovative teaching methods.

In response to the evolving educational landscape, we have introduced vocational courses like AI and Robotics, Mass Media and Communication to provide practical, hands-on skills to our students. These courses are designed to prepare them for diverse career opportunities and instill a sense of entrepreneurship, aligning their education with real-world demands.

Community service and environmental stewardship are integral to our ethos. Through various initiatives, including our Green Guard activities, our students actively participate in projects that promote sustainability and social responsibility.

Our alumni have made remarkable contributions to society, excelling in various fields and continually giving back to their communities. Their success stories inspire our current students to strive for excellence and serve as positive change-makers in society.

Engagement with all stakeholders—parents, teachers, and the community at large—has been pivotal to our success. This collaborative approach ensures that our students benefit from a supportive and enriching learning environment, fostering their academic and personal growth.

As we celebrate the silver jubilee of the inception of our school, we feel immensely gratified with our eventful journey and grateful for the unwavering trust and support of the community and  the dedication of our staff. We will continue to inspire and empower our students to achieve their fullest potential and make meaningful contributions to society.

Warm regards,

Fr. James CMI